About Virgo

Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac; it is also the second earthly sign. The planet Mercury rules it. They are generally tall and have a slim physique. They have prominent and thick eyebrows. They have dark hair and attractive face. Due to their active nature and inclination towards physical activities they will have robust health and look much younger than their actual age. Due to the strong presence of Mercury, Virgos would always be knowledgeable. They will be well read and will be able to provide information on large and varied topics.


They are sensitive, trustworthy, generous and self-conscious by nature. They cannot see the pain of others and go out of the way to help those in need. Mercury also makes Virgos very methodical and systematic, they verify their work twice to make sure there is no mistake. They are hard working, extremely practical and with a great appetite for details. They thrive on constant activity and have a lot of nervous energy to burn. The trouble is that they find it very difficult to relax and get nervous even over very small things. They find relaxation in the work and hence always remain restless. If Mercury, the ruling planet, is in Libra, there will be a greater ability to relax.


Precision and neatness are natural to them and go with purity that is depicted by the symbol of sun sign itself. They appreciate things of beauty and they are very tidy by nature and like to keep there surrounding highly clean. They possess a very analytical and logical mind so in their conversations they try to give as much details as possible. Being highly refined and sophisticated Virgos expect too much from others. They are generally not satisfied with others work and try to pick mistakes in their work. The Virgo's flair for details dominates their personality. Mercury has a powerful bearing on the Virgo's going off on a tangent. However, if Virgo is the Sun-sign and Mercury is in Leo, the native will have a better grasp of the total situation than otherwise.

Virgo in Love

Wondering how are Virgo in Love? Well, you’ve landed on the right page. Astrologer Manisha Koushik shares a complete guide about a Virgo Lover or how is actually a Virgo in Love?

All set? Let’s Explore!

You are a person who can get easily attracted by love and compassion. You always tend to analyse the pros and cons in love before indulging into it. After many painful experiences, you many realize that no stone is left unturned. Being a fascinating, resourceful, and sensuous personality, you are highly desirable to get the best.

Virgo in Love wants to know what’s going on in your mind.

Virgo in Love is subtle.

Virgo in Love is deeply romantic.

Virgo in Love is needs to give and receive support.


The best signs to match with you are Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are the dazzling devils that make you laugh and eradicate all your icicles that surrounded your heart. But in long run, you may see him inconsiderate and irresponsible towards you.

Gemini also proves to be a highly compatible guy with a strong and happy relationship.

Pisces may appear to be loving, forgiving, tolerant and sentimental with sex as major route of your relationship.

Having a Virgo may be a long-term challenging task.

Scorpio and Cancer tend to keep you happy by appreciating your refined qualities and move along nicely.


The best lessons that Virgo in Romance share are:

Virgo in Romance teach us about purity and meticulousness of the feeling of love.

Virgo in Romance teach us that love is sacred.

Virgo in Romance teach us to be treated with respect.


Lessons to be learnt for Virgo in Romance:

Virgo in Romance should learn to be equally passionate and extend warmth.

Virgo in Romance should learn to appreciate the fact that love is much more than plastic purity or pure analysis of anything that comes on your plate.


This page is all about Virgo in love. How is a Virgo Lover? What can you expect from Virgo in Romance? How is a Virgo Love life? Askmanisha.com caters to authentic information about all these concerns. Hope you enjoyed reading!



Virgo Weekly Horoscope 

Weekly Horoscope: October 20 - October 26,2024

Virgo (August 24-September 23)

Love: The Sun

Mood: Wheel of Fortune

Career: Five of Coins

This week, someone may trust you with a secret, and it’s crucial not to let them down. Family gatherings or celebrations is likely to keep you busy, with plenty of tasks to handle. On the financial front, things are looking up, and you may feel inclined to spend on luxuries or indulge in shopping. Challenges in your professional life must be addressed with competence and caution, as a transfer or promotion could be in store for those in corporate jobs. Health-wise, be attentive to any recurring ailments, as neglect could lead to complications. Property deals may not be in your favor, so it’s better to hold off for now. Mentors or teachers might push you to correct your mistakes academically, offering valuable learning experiences. 

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Brown

Askmanisha.com is the most authentic source of Weekly horoscopes for Virgo. If you love reading, what is in store for Virgo this week? You are at the right page which talks about Virgo and caters to all the information related to Virgo Horoscope this week. 

Virgo weekly horoscope gives you a brief idea of how this week will be for Virgo ? So, what are you waiting for? Read through the lines and plan your week accordingly. Do not forget to watch out for this space every week for Virgo Weekly Predictions. 


Virgo Monthly Horoscope 

Monthly Horoscope for October 2024

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo, life is about to get busier than ever! Expect a surge in activity, whether it’s on the professional or personal front. If you’re pursuing higher education, financial challenges might come your way, but don’t worry—solutions are within reach. Work may pile up this month, potentially derailing other plans, so focus on managing your time efficiently. On the academic front, pressure is likely, and conflicts at home or with a spouse may add to the stress. Be mindful of how you handle situations with others to avoid unnecessary tension.

Key Focus: Stay calm and focused despite rising pressures.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Yellow

Askmanisha.com is the most authentic source of monthly horoscopes for Virgo. If you love reading, what is in store for Virgo this month? You are at the right page which talks about Virgo and caters to all the information related to Virgo Horoscope this month. 

Virgo monthly horoscope gives you a brief idea of How will this month be for Virgo? So, what are you waiting for? Read through the lines and plan your month accordingly. Do not forget to watch out for this space every month for Virgo Monthly Predictions. 


Yearly Horoscope 2024 : Virgo

Virgo Yearly Horoscope 2024 by Astrologer Manisha Koushik

Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23)

This year demands a special attention on your health. Try to be self-disciplined and follow a healthy lifestyle. Be careful about your diet. The alignment of celestial bodies is such that it may result in some health-related challenges. It is advisable not to ignore even the slightest of health issue. This is promising year regarding your career. Your inclination towards spiritual and religious aspects may increase. It is required that you avoid unnecessary expenses. Be watchful about work-related obstacles. The year seems promising on the professional front after May. Avoid being part of any kind of gossip at workplace. If you run a business then you should not hesitate in asking for guidance whenever required. Children may bring some good news. It is advised to use the resources optimally both at professional and personal spheres. Empathize with your partner. When it comes to romantic relationship, try to be a good listener. You may need to skilfully manage your emotions and ensure that you do not hurt your spouse by your words. The year is great for students and those preparing for competitive exams, may crack some. Family atmosphere may get a bit disturbed as the health of one of the elder members becomes a concern. Avoid any kind of complications in marital life. You may need to focus on your spouse’s health. Owing to the planetary influence you may do well on financial front.


Lucky number:6

Lucky Color: Brown

Lucky Month: June, September, December


Virgo Man


Virgo men are well known for their methodical, efficient and hard working capabilities. Virgo men possess extra-ordinary sense of duty that makes him to work towards something good. He is closely associated with purity and modesty with fair and balanced attitude. Virgo man can be acknowledged as powerhouse of energy who always performs physically or mentally.

Love, Sex, Romance, and Relationships with a Virgo Man

Virgo man sees all the pros and cons before getting engaged in love. He is more thoughtful and faithful in relationships. Virgo man deals sex as an affair, very demanding in bedroom.

Understanding Virgo Men

Virgo men are amazing perfectionist who always searches for improvement in life. He rarely attain satisfaction and extremely analytical. He is not so good in enjoying relationships and life.

Money & the Virgo Man

Virgo men belong to the category of conservative investors who are more interested on long term stability. He always maintains a separate pocket for rainy day.

Fashion & the Virgo man

Virgo man prefers to have conservative grey and navy blue in his wardrobe. Virgo men are amazingly meticulous about their looks and try to maintain stylish and sophisticated lifestyle.

Relationships & the Virgo Man

Virgo men are not very good at emotions and thus seem to be reserved and unapproachable. He is very particular in choosing his partner. They are very good in making fabulous friendships.

Romance & the Virgo Man

Virgo man strive his best to maintain loving and strong relationship. He wants continuous improvements even in bedroom. Virgo man may prove to be surprising in order to please his partner.

Health & the Virgo Man

Virgo men are highly prone to indigestion and peptic ulcers because of his worrying nature. He often exercises and badly in need of relation and stress-relieving techniques.

Career & the Virgo Man

Virgo Men are too serious about their work and even neglect his precious time with friends and family. He can be traced as psychologist, inspector, executive assistant, book keeper, mathematician, writer, copy editor, analyst and great scientist.


This page caters to all the information about Aries Man. Astrologer Manisha Koushik shares insights about all the various shades of Aries Men. Whether it is Money, Love, health or anything else - this page shares the relevant details for the Aries Man. Askmanisha.com is an authentic source of information for everything that you wanted to know about Aries Man. Hope you enjoyed reading it!


Virgo Woman

The Virgo Woman

The Virgo woman carries herself perfectly and she charms everything and everyone she comes across. She always thinks in a practical manner and her decisions are not made on imagination. Virgo Woman takes care of every detail and she maintains her calm at all times and is usually not of fiery nature.

Virgo Women and Love

Virgo women have the inner strength and determination when it comes to matter of the heart. Her faith is not shaken easily.

Virgo and Relationships

Virgo women are loyal and reliable provided they are completely attached. Before they make any type of commitment, they will check all the aspects.

Virgo and Friendships

Virgo women will be there with you at every important aspect of life. She will provide any type of help at any time of the day.

Virgo and Sex

Virgo women are quite conservative on various aspects of her life and she is more on facts than on fantasy.

Virgo and Career

Virgo women can be found as doctor, librarian,  accountant and government employee. They can play multiple roles with ease.

Virgo and Money

Due to her practical nature, Virgo women do not like to take risks in financial matters.

Virgo and Family

Virgo women provide strength to her family and works tirelessly for all the members of the family.

Virgo and Health

Virgo women are too considerate about everything in her life, which may cause health issues like indigestion and ulcers.

Virgo and Fashion

Virgo women carry themselves in a proper manner. Anything and everything they wear is exactly as they like.


This page caters to all the information about Aries Woman. Astrologer Manisha Koushik shares insights about all the various shades of Aries women. Whether it is Money, Love, health or anything else - this page shares the relevant details for the Aries woman. Askmanisha.com is an authentic source of information for everything that you wanted to know about Aries woman. Hope you enjoyed reading it!


Virgo Child

Children born with Virgo Zodiac sign always display perfection in their activities and are always organized. Virgo children have curious minds and show enthusiasm in learning new things. A Virgo child will have to be taught to laugh and remain happy.

Little helpful angels
Virgo child are real angels, they have the helping attitude since childhood and hence it becomes easy to up bring them.

Lively enquiring minds
Virgo child  are usually curious and strive tremendously to find satisfying answers to their curious doubts. This makes their fundamentals very strong.

The devil is in the details 
They are well organized, good in their work and hence love the admiration of all the people they come into contact.

Aim for perfectionism
A Virgo child will grow up to become the  favorite employee. Their keen sense of perfectionism will prove as an asset to the organization.

Feeling blue
The children born with Virgo Zodiac sign have a habit to remain perfect at all times and this occasionally changes their behavior and outlook  of common aspects.

Virgo Career Horoscope

Virgos possess a sharp business sense. They will make many excellent contacts during the course of their work. Their income would be from more than one source and they are likely to hold a position of respect in their organization. They are the one who will go into minor details of every project handled and bring about excellent results. They are also the type who will get tensed and panicky even if small things do not work as planned. The strong influence of Sun promises them an excellent medical career. They also will be successful in teaching, accounts and engineering. They can also do wonders in the fields of arts, writing, printing and agriculture. The planet Venus brings them good opportunities in the food and beverage industry.

Virgo Health Horoscope

Virgos are highly sensible people and like to lead a simple life. They generally enjoy good health with long life. They have an active childhood and they are fond of physical activities and sports. They have a tendency to look younger than their actual age and mix well with all possible age groups. But they have a tendency to be careless about their diet, which might lead to some problems at times. They are likely to suffer from stomach problems. Virgos have a tendency to exaggerate; hence even minor problems will look very large to them. Small issues would be taken very seriously, bringing tension and stress to their mind. They definitely need to be more particular about their rest, diet and exercise.


Virgos possess a strong commercial instinct; therefore they are very careful in their decisions. They will prefer to struggle and earn their living rather than earn money through dubious means. Although they will have many ups and downs financially, they will rise to the top by the dint of their own talent and hard work. They are likely to suffer losses due to faults of their colleagues, partners or co-workers. Whatever they do, gains are likely to fall short of their efforts. This is primarily due to the presence of Saturn as a lord in the 6th house.

Love Compatibility

Virgo Love Aries

Aries and Virgo believe in factual truth and are very honest. However, Aries is not careful in taking any step, which is a major difference between them. He thinks about the consequences of a work after it has already been done. One the other hand, a Virgo thinks many times before taking any type of step. Aries is too overgenerous and Virgo is too vigilant and this can cause problem in this relation. Virgo finds it difficult to adjust with the rash nature of Aries. Aries does not care about the method used in achieving a goal; he is only concerned with the results. Aries have to restrain his hastiness and Virgo has to control his peaky in order to make this relation work.

Virgo Love Taurus

There are many common traits between Taurus and Virgo. There is sensibility in both of them, and there is considerable amount of agreement between them. None of them is irresponsible and over-spending. Both of them live in present. However, Virgo may not like the jealous nature of Taurus at times. Both of them are not really fond of travelling and like to spend time at home. This match can be one of the best provided some adjustments are made.

Virgo Love Gemini

Gemini people are intelligent and cogent. Same characteristics are found in Virgo. This relation can be a good one, particularly at the academic level. Both of them have a vigilant, careful and quite approach towards life. Both of them see things in a practical manner. However, certain attributes are on the negative side, which may lead to confusion in this relation. This match can definitely work if they learn to respect each other.

Virgo Love Cancer

Cancer and Virgo is a good compatibility match although they are different from each other. Virgo is quite introvert by nature and Caner is quite tolerant. Cancer finds affection from Virgo in his life. However, both of them are injured very easily and they must learn to manage this characteristic of their. Virgo must exercise extra care. Cancer is somewhat insensitive and is too perceptive. Cancer can teach Virgo to be patient. On the other hand, Virgo can teach Cancer to be practical and rational in life. This relation can be really good.

Virgo Love Leo

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Virgo Love Virgo

There is a good relation between two Virgo people. They are too careless at times and too thoughtful at other times. It is difficult to find an area which does not get their sensible attention. Both of them are committed attitude. They will be able to solve any problem when they are together. A Virgo always has a practical outlook towards life. Both of them express their love by accomplishing important things for each other. They are very cautious and are always prepared. This can result in repetition in this relation.

Virgo Love Libra

Relation between a Libra and A Virgo is not a compatible one as they are of different nature. A Libra person likes to meet new people and talk with them. He does not find it difficult to accept opposite opinions and never judge people. A Virgo person is on the other corner, as he does not like to talk to people or meet with them. A Virgo may find a Libra as a vacillating and cowardly person. They can easily turn their different attitudes into their benefits by making attentive efforts. Both of them are in search of excellence, when we talk about same characteristics. This relation will have compatibility problem at the touching level. It is possible a Libra may break out the dangerous stare of a Virgo as he loves to achieve stability.

Virgo Love Scorpio

A Virgo and a Scorpio has a wonderful relation, as both of them have a sensible approach towards life. A Scorpio person is more daring and intrepid than a Virgo. At times, he is very obstinate and strong. The bravado nature of the Scorpio comes across with the sensitive nature of the Scorpio. Both of them can complement their weaknesses and make use of their differences. There is a fairly high chance of having synchronization instead of violence. Their sentiments and approaches are the two important areas where both of them need to work to keep their relation together. On individual front they have the ability to overcome small obstacles.

Virgo Love Sagittarius

There is no similarity in this pair. A Virgo person likes to have a very definite perception about a situation, but a Sagittarius likes to have a wide view of any situation. All the points of a situation or problem are covered when both of them are working together on a problem. However, they must realize that both of them are good. The steady condemnation of Virgo makes Sagittarius feel angry. Both of them should keep their mind open in order to keep this relation going. A Virgo is precautious, systematic and very prepared; on the other hand, a Sagittarius can be too reckless, nippy and impulsive. Both of them never find it difficult to change themselves and are under mutable signs, this is the reason they are able to go along together.

Sexual Compatibility

Virgo and Aries

They understand and communicate each other excellently. The intelligence of Virgo attracts Aries. Virgo tries to seduce Aries instantly. Attraction may lead to romantic relationship very soon. Virgo is perfect match for sexually intense partner. They mutual satisfy their romantic and sexual compatibility. They stay together with loyalty and family matters. Aries should avoid mind games to have Virgo with them. Virgo should keep Aries in grounded form for better relationship. Their strong attraction will keep them together even in storm situation.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5

Virgo and Taurus

They can understand and communicate each other effectively. Their conversations improve over time and also their relationship. They can very well understand their hopes and goals for future. Their unspoken bond remains unbroken for times together. Virgo acts as keeper to sexy Taurus. They satisfy each other’s sexual desires and needs effortlessly. Their romantic and sexual compatibility remain explosive. They are perfect combination for love and sex. Taurus should avoid head games if they need long term commitment. Problems may arise in the form of relatives. They should heal themselves for better life.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5

Virgo and Gemini

They can make lifelong friendship, money and power together. When they two come together, they may end up in marriages. There may be stimulating conversations and strong physical attraction to bring them close. Virgo should stand with Gemini in all good and bad times. They should feel secure in their relationship. This appears to be perfect combination of games, fun and good sexual attraction. Mercury ruled sign will share common ideas and never get bored in their relationship. Virgo acts as keeper whereas Gemini should catch hold of this relationship seriously.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5

Virgo and Cancer

This compatible partnership creates love, sex and end up in marriage. The water sign, Cancer attracts towards Earth sign, Virgo. They both bond together on romantic, spiritual and sexual background. They are highly sensual and physically alluring to each other. The virgin nature of Virgo surprises Cancer. Their bond will purely be a matter of surprise. Cancer may bring mysteries and secrets in their relationship. Together they remain luckier and can earn more money to achieve all their dreams. The loyalty of Virgo is appraised by Cancer and they make family and home together. Even if their sexual relation gets over, they remain friends forever. Children play major role in their relationship.

Their compatibility rating is 4 / 5

Virgo and Leo

They can understand and communicate each other effectively. The mind of Virgo will get attracted by Leo and will get seduced to Leo in public. Their attraction may end up in romantic relation very soon. Virgo will stand with Leo in all good and bad times. Sexy Virgo keeps Leo and their romantic and sexual compatibility remains exotic. They make perfect match for love and sex. They stay together with loyalty and family matters. Leo should avoid all mind games to avoid serious consequences. Virgo should keep up tolerance and patience to have happy relationship. They should have strong attraction in order to stand hard at times of infidelity and secrets. Leo may practice secrets in their relationship. At these times, Virgo will compromise the situation.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5

Virgo and Virgo

They can make families, money and power together. There may be loads of sensuality and physical attraction between them. This is a promising relationship with both short and long term possibilities. It’s better to maintain slow in sex. There is a chance for intellectual stimulation. In long term, one may feel that something went missing in their relationship. At times, both may have the same feel. There should be balance in their relationship. One should involve in this relationship with pure love to avoid consequences later. It will give good results in future.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5

Virgo and Libra

They can understand and communicate each other effectively. They stand together in both good and bad times. Sexy Libra keeps Virgo. There will be intoxicating romantic and sexual compatibility. They may be perfect match for love and sex. They stay together with family matters. Virgo should not keep any secret with Libra for better relationship. Libra should stay balanced for happiness in life. There should not be any secret for long term commitment. Problems may come in the form of secrets and relatives. Truth will keep them safe.

Their compatibility rating is 2 / 5

Virgo and Scorpio

They can understand, empathize and communicate each other effectively. Their conversations grow with time and also their sexual relationship. Their unspoken bond will keep them tight all through their life. Sexy Scorpio will keep Virgo and the situation is vice versa. They complement each other by satisfying their sexual desires and needs. There will be volcanic romantic and sexual compatibility. They stay together in terms of loyalty and strong friendship. Scorpio should avoid head games to avoid further issues. Scorpio can stay healthy and grounded with Virgo. There is an increased opportunity for long term commitment. They will have great life when worked together.

Their compatibility rating is 4 / 5

Virgo and Sagittarius

They can understand and communicate each other effectively. Virgo’s mind will be adored by Sagittarius and Virgo will look forward to seduce Sagittarius immediately. Their attraction may end in romantic relationship very soon. Virgo will stand with Sagittarius in all good and bad times. Sexy Sagittarius will keep Virgo. There will be passionate and intense romantic and sexual compatibility. They form perfect combination for love and sex. They stay together with good compatibility and friendship. Sagittarius should avoid mind games for better relationship. Sagittarius will stay grounded by Virgo and they can have happy life together. Their strong attraction will help them to remain united in storms. Sagittarius should make final call.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5

Marriage Compatibility

Virgo Weds Aries

This relation is 1 – 6.

Life will become a hell if you did not say no. it may bring in pain, sorrow and annoyance.

Elegant and challenging Arian will be difficult to get along with for sensible and perceptive Virgo.

There is no chance for long term relation or togetherness.

Virgo Weds Taurus

This is a trine or 1 – 5 relation.


This relation is considered to be really good.

Rational Taurus will be very cooperative, compromising and very good to the realistic and insightful Virgo.

There will be lot of pleasant and treasured moments. You can easily rely on this reliable and long lasting relation.

There is no doubt in saying that both of you are soul mates.

Virgo Weds Gemini

This is a square or 1 – 4 relation.


Both of them are under the control of mercury.

It will be really difficult for both of you to get along with each other.

Specially, Gemini will not be comfortable with sensible and perceptive Virgo.

The life will run down of delight, synchronization and calmness and they will not be able to understand each other.

Virgo Weds Cancer

This relation is 1 – 3.

This relation will be lifelong, steadfast, reliable and an outstanding male-female relation.

Cancer is expert in tackling sensible and responsive Virgo.

Due to this reason this relation will move ahead.

Virgo Weds Leo

This relation is 1 – 2.


This relation is not made for each other one.

Your life will be completely tarnished if you decide to get in this relation.

Virgo will find it difficult to get along with insensitive and bigheaded Leo.

It is better to move away from this relation to conserve the harmony and serenity.

Virgo Weds Virgo

This relation is 1 – 1.


Both of them can move ahead in this relation.


Both of them are ruled by mercury.

They will be happy physically but not on emotional and psychological front.

Both of them are accountable, rational and realistic.

This relation is good for getting in a business.

Life will be without any fascination and will be boring.

Virgo Weds Libra

This relation is 1 – 2.


The liberated and fun loving personality of imaginative Libra will not get along with receptive and perfect Virgo.

There is not chance that this relation can go together.

There will be no pleasure and charm in this relation.

Things will not run smoothly and for without any reason life will become bothersome.

Only physical enjoyment will be of no use and Virgo learns this soon.

Virgo Weds Scorpio

This elation is 1 – 3.


This relation will be an outstanding one.

Both of them will have confidence and faith in each other.

Things will run smoothly, and both of you will be lucky for each other.

Life will move ahead at a smooth pace overcome short misunderstanding that comes at times.

Virgo Weds Sagittarius

This is a square of 1 – 4 relation.


This relation is not made for each other.

Virgo is considerably receptive and he will find it difficult to move ahead with unpredictable, tough and insensitive Sagittarius.

Calm, accord and smooth life will go away in case you enter in this relation.

Virgo Weds Capricorn

This is a trine or 1 – 5 relationship, which is always described as eternal and promising one.


The life will be blissful and smooth as there is intense care and good understanding.

This relation is an exceptional one and reliable.

You can continue in this relation without hiccup.

Virgo Weds Aquraius

This relation is 1 – 6.


You should think ten times before you get in this relation.


In case you hesitate it will affect your psychology.

No confirmation has been given by shastras in going in this relation.

Married life may have dissonance, discomfort, unhappiness and disappointing.

Say no without any hesitation.

Virgo Weds Pisces

This is a reverse or 1 – 7 relation.


Domineering and accommodating Piscine will get along well with sensible and responsive Virgo.

This relation will be filled with physical enjoyment.

There can be misunderstanding at times which can cause botheration.

In long term there will be no happiness so it is better to say no to get in this relation.

This relation is not recommended strongly.


Ruling Planet



The Virgin




Green, White, Grey, Yellow and Orange.

Lucky Stones

Yellow Sapphire.

Unlucky Stones

Red Coral

Lucky Numbers

5, 6 & 2

Lucky Days

Mondays, Wednesday and Thursday

Business Partner


Lucky Alphabet

K, E, B, G, H, I

Best Profession

Auditing, Teachers, Engineers, Accountants, Chemist, Judges, Bakers, Caterers and Restaurant or Hotel related fields.

Best Boss


Eventful Years

5, 14, 23 and so on, and 6, 15, 24 and so on.
(Add nine to get further eventful years.)

Body Parts

Abdomen and bowels

Good Points

Analytical, Skillful, Mental Agility, Ambitious, Practical & Business oriented.

Bad Points

Critical, Rigid, Highly sensitive and Selfish.

Soul Mates

Taurus, Capricorn

Just Say No

Aries, Aquarius & Leos

They are the kind of people who likes to get the best, so a life partner/beloved is no exception. They give equal preference to intelligence and physical beauty in their partner. They are truly romantic, sincere, and honest when in a relationship, but they definitely need to control their tendency to behave shy and moody. Virgo females look after their family in the most organized and systematic manner, whereas in case of male Virgo's they do not feel satisfied with their partners because of their own problems, as they go in to the extreme details and love perfection. If they learn to behave nicely with the life partner their life would become heaven. Virgo's click extremely well with Taurus and Capricorn, but need to say a firm no to Aries, Aquarius & Pisces.

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