Numerology Number 8

Number 8 Career, Marriage and Fun Facts

8 Number Speaks

Numerology for Number 8

You are a number 8 if you are born on 8th, 17th and 26th of any month.

Important Details for Number 8

Lucky days: Saturday

Lucky gemstone: Blue Sapphire, Amethyst

Friendly numbers: 4, 5, 6

Romance numbers:1, 2, 4, 5, 7

Colour: Black

Metal: Iron

How are Number 8 People?

Number 8 has the qualities of number 2 and number 4. These people can take care of others by providing them knowledge and order. They can also handle the big process and can achieve accomplishment in any venture they undertake. Luck does not favor them. So, they have to work hard to get a reward in the form of a position or money. You can see these people living in extreme of life. They either enjoy heights of success or suffer great failures.

General Nature of Number 8

People Number 8 like to enjoy a good life by wearing good clothes, eating the best foods, and staying in big houses. They possess tenacity, toughness, and efficiency.

Profession of Number 8

People These people can become successful in large-scale organizations with ample guidance from administrators. These people can gain important positions due to their dependable and trusting nature.

Health of People with Number 8

They take good care of their health and enjoy good health. They are prone to indigestion or sometimes bone fractures.

Relationships of People with Number 8

It is very difficult to have a relationship with these people unless they are willing to adjust.

Negative Traits of Number 8 People

They are over-ambitious and impatient that helps them achieving their big goals in life.

Life Path of Number 8 People

Though people with a number 8 Life Path often find great success in life, it is not because of luck -- it's because of the constant attention, intention, and effort they put into their work. While they excel professionally, though, their ego needs some practice in working well with others.

Strengths of the Number 8 People

• Number 8 people are Ambitious • Number 8 people are Karmic • Number 8 people are Enduring

Weaknesses of the Number 8 People

• Number 8 people are most of the times Materialistic

• Number 8 people are generally Authoritative

• Number 8 people are Entitled

Famous Celebrities with Numerology Number 8.

Born on 8th (Numerology Number 8)

• Reem Shaikh • Neetu Singh • Shilpa Shetty

Born on 17th (Numerology Number 8)

• Nia Sharma • Priya Anand • Nushrat Bharucha

Born on 26th (Numerology Number 8)

• Arjun Kapoor • Sriti Jha • Prakash Raj

Please Note: This is a general description for Number 8 people. For a personalized numerology consultation, we suggest to reach us personally.

Read about other numbers.

• Number 1 Numerology

Number 2 Numerology

Number 3 Numerology

Number 4 Numerology

Number 5 Numerology

Number 6 Numerology

Number 7 Numerology

Number 9 Numerology

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