About Gemini

This is the third and airy sign of the Zodiac, which is influenced by the planet Mercury. People born in this sign are tall, upright and have long hands and thin legs, sharp and long nose. Generally they have wheatish complexion. They are known for their quick wit and intelligence. They are carefree and jovial by nature. They are highly enthusiastic and enterprising. They have a commendable memory and grasping power.

They are active and cheerful, but at times may lose many good opportunities because of their reluctant and fussy nature. They are very diplomatic people. They have a great sense of timing and can avoid adverse situations. They think that they are always right and never change their mind until the next time the argument begins, when they will take a stand diametrically opposite to their earlier one and even deny ever having given vent to their earlier opinions. This will baffle and infuriate their opponents in arguments.

Sometimes, their behavior is very difficult to understand. People born in this sign are excellent communicators and are known for their writings and oratorical skills. They have an insistent urge to communicate with others and reach out to people. The more intellectual Gemini's, in their quest to impress people with their views and opinions on various issues, will be constantly writing to the press, lecturing, appearing on TV discussions, addressing meetings.

Gemini being a dual sign, duality is an important part of their nature, and it would be unwise to make any attempt to hide it. They need variety and change, as they get easily bored with monotony. For them, consistency is not a virtue.

They should be careful not to overstrain their sensitive and highly-strung nervous system, which can break down under pressure. People whose sign or Mercury is afflicted in the birth chart develop negative traits. Lies, deceit, inconsistency, superficiality and unreliability mark their personalities. If they can curb their negative traits like restlessness, impatience, inconsistency and dual nature then their success in life would be remarkable.

Gemini in Love

Wondering how are Gemini in Love? Well, you’ve landed on the right page. Astrologer Manisha Koushik shares a complete guide about a Gemini Lover or how is actually a Gemini in Love?

All set? Let’s Explore!

Gemini in love is a great mystery both for yourself and your partners. You are highly prone to think too much about your love and worry yourself with almost the same altitude.

You are extremely inconsistent in your feelings bringing frustration in yourself and in your partners. Trust yourself, share your feelings and maintain intimacy to eradicate your altering mind.

Being an experimenter, you love to play and fantasize but at the same time, you need constancy and consistency in life. You may fall into love and get engaged with him, but within few days you may become bored of the routine life. This is what you got to treat on a priority.


Gemini in Love wants a best friend.

Gemini in Love wants to talk and talk.

Gemini in Love doesn't like to be smothered.

Gemini in Love likes stimulation. Saturated life and things do not appeal them at all.


You may see yourself with Gemini, Sagittarian, Pisces, and Virgo.

With Virgo, you may divert your sexuality in dark, deep, and mysterious manner. But in long run, the words may turn to be nasty.

With Pisces, there will be a fascinating life with both responsible and protective behaviour. But sexual life disappears in a long run.

A Sagittarian will prove to be your perfect soul mate with endless affection towards each other. The situation will be same in case of Gemini too.

Leo and Aries are other two signs who can make you happy with loving and stimulating partnerships.


The best lessons that Gemini in Romance share are:

Gemini in Romance teach us to enhance the awareness quotient and enrich our intellectual stimulation.

Gemini in Romance teach us about Versatility in life.

Gemini in Romance teach us to enhance our readiness for experimentation and open-mindedness.


Lessons to be learnt for Gemini in Romance:

Gemini in Romance should learn to appreciate for the intangible and of course to be cool with things that are not in our control.

Gemini in Romance should learn to be warm and encourage the tender side of love.


This page is all about Gemini in love. How is a Gemini Lover? What can you expect from Gemini in Romance? How is a Gemini Love life? Askmanisha.com caters to authentic information about all these concerns. Hope you enjoyed reading!



Gemini Weekly Horoscope 

Weekly Horoscope: October 20 - October 26,2024

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Love: Knight of Coins

Mood: Three of Cups

Career: Seven of Wands


This week brings favorable developments for you, Gemini. Academically, you are likely to perform well and achieve commendable results. Recognition for your hard work is on the cards, whether at work or in other aspects of your life. It’s essential to be a good listener to your spouse or partner, as they may want to confide in you about something important. Joining someone on a journey is likely to be an exhilarating experience. Financially, the situation looks promising, and investments, especially in commercial property, may bring significant returns. Those in a romantic relationship might feel inclined to discuss future plans with family elders, while others may be tempted to indulge in purchasing luxury items. A week of joy and progress lies ahead. 

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Yellow

Askmanisha.com is the most authentic source of Weekly horoscopes for Gemini. If you love reading, what is in store for Gemini this week? You are at the right page which talks about Gemini and caters to all the information related to Gemini Horoscope this week. 

Gemini weekly horoscope gives you a brief idea of how this week will be for Gemini ? So, what are you waiting for Gemini? Read through the lines and plan your week accordingly. Do not forget to watch out for this space every week for Gemini Weekly Predictions. 


Gemini Monthly Horoscope 

Monthly Horoscope for October 2024

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

People around you may go out of their way to make sure you're comfortable and taken care of this month. Your charm and networking abilities will work wonders, especially if you're looking to raise funds for a business or personal project. While you may face delays or unexpected changes in professional plans, like transfers or job shifts, staying patient will eventually lead to better opportunities. Family will be your greatest support, especially if you're starting something new. A change in diet or lifestyle may be exactly what you need to feel rejuvenated and energized.

Key Focus: Build on relationships and use your networking skills.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Violet

Askmanisha.comis the most authentic source of monthly horoscopes for Gemini. If you love reading what is in store for Gemini this month? You are at the right page which talks about Gemini and caters to all the information related to Gemini Horoscope this month. 

Gemini monthly horoscope gives you a brief idea ofHow will this month be for Gemini? So, what are you waiting for Gemini? Readthrough the lines and plan your month accordingly. Do not forget to watch out for this space every month for Gemini Monthly Predictions. 


Yearly Horoscope 2024 : Gemini

Gemini Yearly Horoscope 2024 by Astrologer Manisha Koushik

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)

This year may bring you some new experiences. Luck may favour you and hence all your pending tasks may get accomplished. Hurdles may vanish and you may soon experience a sense of achievement. Those in the job may get a promotion or a raise. Business persons may get a chance to expand their business or get new clients. This year may get you in good shape financially. You may come across some bitter experiences as well such as your close ones may differ with your thoughts. Good fortune may prevail. You may need to be a bit careful regarding your health and family life. Especially those who are newly married should try to understand each other and be affectionate towards each other. The first half of the year is the best time to strengthen your relationship. Those who are looking for a life partner may get one in the initial phase of the year. Non-harmonious environment in family may impact performance of the students in the family. If you are a business person, then initial phase of the year may be quite favourable. Some may also get international clients. You need to more careful regarding your health in initial phase of this year, especially one should try to prevent any respiratory track or digestive tract infections. However, you should follow a healthy lifestyle throughout the year.


Lucky number:3

Lucky Color: Purple

Lucky Month: February, November

Gemini Man


A Gemini man is well known for his high intellectual abilities and possesses continuous thirst for knowledge and information. Gemini born man can look for both sides of a coin and put forth a balanced opinion over wide range of topics that fall between controversial and mundane. He is unbelievably flexible and very easy going with his environment.

Love, Sex, Romance, and Relationships with a Gemini Man

Love is not that easy for Gemini born men though he is fun-loving and possess romantic bold gestures. Sex is adventurous for him with trying new things every time. Overall he is generous lover with occasional jealous or possessive behavior.

Understanding Gemini Men

Gemini man is very good in making new friends and generally possesses good control over his emotions. He belongs to the category of quick-witted persons who enjoys good debates.

Money & the Gemini Man

Gemini men keep a close watch on his financial status and balance his budget on routine basis. He always prefers to have stable investments with a well planned security on long term basis.

Fashion & the Gemini Man

Yellow is the color of Gemini man and he always possess something to wear for every occasion. According to him, jewelry is his vehicle and he keeps his environment neatly organized.

Relationships & the Gemini man

Gemini man is always ready for party and even popular for that. He possesses good judging ability and gives good advices to his friends. Gemini man is good listener too.

Romance & the Gemini man

Gemini men deliver nonstop pleasure and surprise to his partner. He always put his partner before him and he often enjoys the romantic part of dating.  Gemini man dedicates himself to his soul mate.

Health & the Gemini Man

Gemini men possess muscular arms and very broad shoulders. He is highly prone to asthma and bronchitis. Gemini men is very cautious about his physique and takes utmost care of it.

Career & the Gemini man

Gemini men’s logical and confident behavior suits better for broadcaster, counselor, teacher, journalist and a lawyer. Sales are a great career for him because of his amazing and charismatic personality.


This page caters to all the information about Aries Man. Astrologer Manisha Koushik shares insights about all the various shades of Aries Men. Whether it is Money, Love, health or anything else - this page shares the relevant details for the Aries Man. Askmanisha.com is an authentic source of information for everything that you wanted to know about Aries Man. Hope you enjoyed reading it!


Genini Woman

The Gemini Woman

The Gemini woman has multiple personalities. She is demure and doting at one moment and the other moment she can be ruthlessly sarcastic. Gemini woman is a learned person and knows nearly everything under the sun. She has her own view of the world and it is completely original of her own.

Gemini and Love

Gemini women are quite romantic at heart and in case they have any type of confusion they will keep searching.

Gemini and Relationships

Gemini women have a complex, exciting, challenging and enchanting nature. She wants the company of a person who can keep her mentally stimulated.

Gemini and Friendships

Gemini women have the quality to look into both sides of the same coin. This quality makes her an excellent person between her friends.

Gemini and Sex

For Gemini women, sex in not just a physical activity and they are more versatile than all the zodiac signs.

Gemini and Career

Gemini women have logical mind, they are confident in nature and they are good in communications. All these quality make them successful in career.

Gemini and Money

Gemini women have the ability to save money at their will. At times, they like to spend money on things that are the need of the hour.

Gemini and Family

Gemini women have the capability to think in two different ways on a given situation at the same time, so at times you may think that you are living with two different people.

Gemini and Health

Gemini women are able to maintain their young look for a longer period as compared to other people.

Gemini and Fashion

Gemini women are flirty and playful and they are known for their quirky fashion sense. She loves to keep up with the latest trend.


This page caters to all the information about Aries Woman. Astrologer Manisha Koushik shares insights about all the various shades of Aries women. Whether it is Money, Love, health or anything else - this page shares the relevant details for the Aries woman. Askmanisha.com is an authentic source of information for everything that you wanted to know about Aries woman. Hope you enjoyed reading it!

Gemini Child

The Gemini child is usually gifted with charming looks and is intelligent.  Children born with Gemini Zodiac sign display curious nature and varied interests. Gemini born child will always bear an unconditional loyalty and love towards parents and loved ones.


An incredibly curious nature
The level of curiosity is the most for a Gemini child as compared to children born in all other Zodiac sign.

Strong streak of inconsistency
The Gemini born child is very inconsistent in various approaches of his life. This lack of consistency at times becomes very discouraging. 

A love for the dramatic
A Gemini child is very expressive and often provides dramatic presentation while explaining some events. This is the most loving aspect of their upbringing.

Running into impatience
Gemini child may at times lose their cool and become impatient in getting their opponents defeated at a short time.

Gemini Career Horoscope

Gemini born faces many ups and downs in their lifetime. Life is full of struggle till the age of 32 years, but one gets a quantum push after he or she is 36. They will have multiple sources of income. They can excel in the fields of journalism, education, accountancy, sales, communications, transport, artistic fields, law, photography or travel related business like import & export.

Gemini Health Horoscope

As their mind is very active, they tend to spoil their health due to stress and pressure

that could be easily avoided. They are likely to suffer from diseases like ENT troubles, lungs

infections (as Gemini rules lungs also), Influenza, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Tuberculosis and stones in the

kidneys or gall bladder. They are advised to go for regular exercise, meditation and yoga and also

exercise self-control to get on top of stresses and strains.


They will attain everything in life but not without a struggle. They enjoy all amenities

of the life, but they tend to feel miserable. They may have to suffer in partnerships or may run into

losses because of excessive speculation. It would be wise for them to go for proper consultation

before making any investment or getting into partnerships.

Gemini Love Aries

They both possess almost similar character and hence very little possibility for any issue in their relationship. Both like to have a pleasant life. They always make sure to do new always in order to keep up enthusiasm in life. They both hate monotonous life. They always live in their present. Their relationship remains extremely smooth only if they both avoid interfering in their partner’s life. Gemini may always take lengthy time to take any decision which may sometimes result in minor issues. They may in turn Aries a little. There exists a radiant zodiac match between them. There discussions are filled with expressive and rational opinion. They brighten their partner’s life and they know very well know to live their life happily.


Gemini Love Taurus

Taurus thinks a lot before taking any step in their life. He cannot take any decision in a hurry state but Gemini is totally impatient. Gemini is not reliable always. This may ultimately end up in various issues when they get involved in a relationship. The amusing behavior of Gemini attracts Taurus initially but later on they get bored very easily. This condition may lead to tension and pressure in their life. Gemini’s agitation may collapse the coolness of Taurus. Taurus is completely independent in taking any decision whereas Gemini always depends on other person to take any decision. Gemini love to have freedom. Gemini is adversely affected by the possessive nature of Taurus. They can make a very good match only if they can handle their differences effectively. Taurus learns to leave things and keep moving from Gemini on the other side; Taurus makes Gemini to practice stability in their life.

Gemini Love Gemini

They share lot of energy and fun when they enter into a relationship. Both form an amusing partnership. They love to have variations. When they both enter into a relationship, they both please their partner forever. Because of their mutual interest for change, there exist too much of attraction and ultimately they may end up feeling frantic. On the other hand, they may become conventional and very dull. Gemini born is scholars and hence when they both think in their mind, there comes compatibility issues. There share similar qualities and hence their zodiac match remains excellent. Both are not very serious towards their life, and hence they may not form a touching and serious relationship.

Gemini Love Gemini

They share lot of energy and fun when they enter into a relationship. Both form an amusing partnership. They love to have variations. When they both enter into a relationship, they both please their partner forever. Because of their mutual interest for change, there exist too much of attraction and ultimately they may end up feeling frantic. On the other hand, they may become conventional and very dull. Gemini born is scholars and hence when they both think in their mind, there comes compatibility issues. There share similar qualities and hence their zodiac match remains excellent. Both are not very serious towards their life, and hence they may not form a touching and serious relationship.

Gemini Love Cancer

They does not possess too much of common qualities. These dissimilarities may bring balance in their relationship. Cancer will always be there for Gemini. Gemini is not as emotional as Cancer. Cancer believes in reality whereas Gemini lives in imaginative world. Sappy Cancer may get hurt by this behavior. Gemini relies only on words but Cancer believes to perform actions. The main positive point in their relationship is that Cancer gets attracted towards the intelligence and funny nature of Gemini. The Flirting Gemini makes Cancer to feel anxious and protective.


Gemini Love Leo

They share common qualities. They love to have fun and enjoy their life. They maintain charm in their relationship. They love to have the company of their partner. Gemini and Leo remain in the same rational platform. Leo may go envious of Gemini’s diversified interest. Leo will look forward for an eternal relationship. The delicate nature of Leo may get hurt by Gemini’s short temper at times. This may check their compatibility in their relationship. But Leo may excuse very easily. They may have a strong relationship if they learn to provide freedom to their partner.

Gemini Love Virgo

Gemini born individuals are very intelligent and cogent. Virgo also carries similar traits. They share a very good relationship especially on the academic front. They are highly vigilant and very careful towards their life. They both are highly practical towards their external world. They also possess negative attributes. This may lead to minor confusion in their relationship. Virgo possesses stability by nature. Their relationship will work definitely if they learn to respect their partner.

Gemini Love Libra

Gemini makes great compatibility with Libra born personalities. They both love to get along with people. Libra takes his own time towards their loved ones and they are ready to compromise to such a great extent in order to keep up their relationship. They both appreciate fine things around them and are very comfortable in communicating with other people. They know their partner very well. They never get fed up of their partner. Both think very well before taking any decision. Libra born is profoundly passionate about their life. Gemini carries great humor and keeps people smiling always.

Gemini Love Sagittarius

Both of them are impatient. They can’t stay with any single patient continuously for a long time. When these two personalities come into a relationship, their life will get transformed into a hurricane. Sagittarian may like to get engaged but Gemini doesn’t like the concept. In spite of much dissimilarity, they build a strong prospect. Together they face many problems but both of their neither bendy nor adjustable. They give respect to their partner’s perspectives.

Gemini Love Scorpio

They are completely opposite character in all aspects of their life. Scorpio tends to be very emotional whereas Gemini rarely gets close with people and majority of their romantic relationships are very shallow not very deep. Scorpio appears to be frightening to Gemini. He appears to be enticing to her. Scorpio appears to be very possessive. This extreme character may put them in trouble very often. They can even make a better match if there exist good understanding between them. They should keep themselves ready for any kind of modification. If they can overcome their disputes, there exists a strong stability in their relationship.

Gemini Love Sagittarius

Both of them are impatient. They can’t stay with any single patient continuously for a long time. When these two personalities come into a relationship, their life will get transformed into a hurricane. Sagittarian may like to get engaged but Gemini doesn’t like the concept. In spite of much dissimilarity, they build a strong prospect. Together they face many problems but both of their neither bendy nor adjustable. They give respect to their partner’s perspectives.

Gemini Love Capricorn

They possess a very different approach towards their life. Gemini seems to be quite brash. Capricorn holds a strong belief on values and rules in life whereas Gemini is completely opposite in his nature. He doesn’t have any rules and regulations in life. But once they are in a relationship, they may contribute to a major extend to other person’s life. Gemini has got the potential to establish some constancy. They can form a perfect match if they can communicate well with their partner.

Gemini Love Aquarius

They carry similar approach towards their life and thereby have a great compatibility in their relationship. On intellectual background, they share an outstanding relationship. The amusing nature of them engages their partner. Together they share friends, well being and similar perspectives. Gemini likes the ingenuity and originality of Aquarian. In contrast to this, the fickleness of Gemini is loved by Aquarius. This is one among the strongest match ever seen.

Gemini Love Pisces

They both are fairly supple and malleable. They are always ready to make amendments in life. They are not ready to stick into their estimation. This discrepancy is part of their character, Gemini is somewhat coherent in their approach towards their life but Pisces live in wistful atmosphere where things are ideal and all are good. Gemini is benefitted from their wisdom and can act more responsive. Both of them carry different opinions.

Gemini and Aries

Aries loves challenges whereas Geminis are attracted towards Aries sexual appeal. Mercury ruled Gemini carry both brain and beauty and finds the same in Aries. The wittiness of Gemini can put Aries in laughter. Mysterious Gemini may put forth challenge in front of Aries. Gemini looks Aries as their perfect partner. There is a chance for long lasting relationship with great sexual relationship. Gemini should get lot of space and freedom from Aries. Aries should keep up their humor sense all time. For good results, Gemini should carry their mysterious behavior. There will be hot sexual relationship. There is a great chance for love.

Their compatibility rating is 4 / 5.

Gemini and Taurus

The sexual appeal of Gemini attracts Taurus. Mercury ruled Gemini carry both brain and beauty. Taurus remains the sign of earth. The grounded Taurus expects security which may not be delivered by Gemini thereby leading Taurus to break their relationship. There is a chance for many dramas, separation and reunions. Taurus should give freedom to Gemini whereas Gemini should keep down their carefree attitude. For good relationship, Taurus should remain mysterious. Their sexual life may be amazing or horrible. They should make lot of compromise if they need to go for long time relationship.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5.

Gemini and Gemini

There is too much of mercury. Being air signs they are prone to get scattered anytime, everywhere. They may either work out or not. Mercury planet is related to communication, mental stimulation and expression. They may remain speechless in their sexual relationship or conversations. There is a chance for anything to happen in their relationship. It is up to both of them.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5

Gemini and Cancer

They are quite popular. They can see their destiny from very first meet. Their deep physical attraction may take them to sexual relationship or till marriage. Both of them should forget and forgive in order to keep up their relationship. The major issue in their relationship is Gemini’s requirement of variety and space. Gemini is both mutable and air sign and they appear to be multi-tasker’s whereas Cancer concentrate on only one at a time. Gemini’s outside stimulation may interpret as sexual rejection by Cancer at the same time; Cancer’s emotional disturbance may irritate Gemini resulting in an agitation. Gemini may easily switch over to something else but Cancer will remain paranoid. Gemini can get security and warmth from Cancer. This is a good learning experience for both Cancer and Gemini. There is a chance for problems down the relationship.

Their compatibility rating is 2 / 5.

Gemini and Leo

Gemini’s sexual appeal attracts Leo. Mercury ruled Gemini possess both brain and beauty and appears to be sexy for Leo. Leo fell into laughter by Geminis wittiness. Mysterious Gemini put up great challenge for Leo. Leo appears to be attractive lover for Gemini. There is a chance for great sexual relationship. Gemini should get complete freedom from Leo who is supposed to maintain their humor for long time. Leo should keep aside all their laziness and drama episodes in they need to have Gemini with them. At the same time, Gemini should remain mysterious to Leo. Both of them love partying and share good conversation together. Gemini should avoid any secret with Leo.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5.

Gemini and Virgo

Both these mutable signs can result in lifelong friendship, money and power. Their relationship shoots up very fast. There remains good physical relationship along with stimulating conversation. Virgo sticks with Gemini in all good and bad times. They feel secure when remain together. There are a lot of games, fun and sexual attraction between them. Mercury rules Gemini, and being communication planet they have many things in common and never get bored in conversation. Gemini should keep Virgo with them forever.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5.

Gemini and Libra

Gemini sees true romantic relationship with Libra. Both of them can talk and have sex all night. Libra’s social charm and beauty attracts Gemini. Gemini will look forward to make a permanent relationship with Libra. Gemini will have great conversation, dinner and sex with Libra. They make a promising pair and goes together. Gemini should give more importance on romance in order to satisfy sexy Libra. Libra should try to be social and look beautiful. Long term relationship will give them security in both romance and sex.

Their compatibility rating is 4 / 5.

Gemini and Scorpio

Challenge loving Scorpio is attracted by sexual appeal of Gemini. Mercury ruled Gemini carry both brain and beauty together with loads of sexual appeal. Gemini will always remain mysterious to Scorpio which may drive Scorpio to its boiling edge. There is a chance for lot of drama, separation and reunion. Gemini should get lot of freedom from Scorpio at the same time; Gemini should open up to Scorpio. Their sexual relationship may be amazing or horrible. They remain best for one night partnership. They should be ready to make lot of compromise and adjustments in order to establish long relationship. One night partnership may result in deception or resentment.

Their compatibility rating is 2 / 5.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Sagittarius loves challenges and their sexual appeal attracts Gemini. Mercury ruled Gemini carries both brain and beauty along with humor sense that fascinates Sagittarius. Mysterious Sagittarius may keep Gemini alive. Gemini may think Sagittarius as their ideal soul mate. There is a chance for long term sexual relationship. Gemini need freedom and Sagittarius should keep up their humor sense in order to balance their relationship. Gemini should be mysterious for better relationship. There is a chance for hot sex. They may end up in marriage.

Their compatibility rating is 4 / 5.

Gemini and Capricorn

These cardinal and mutable signs may produce lifelong relationship, money and power. There is chance for stimulating conversation and physical attraction between them, Capricorn will stand with Gemini in all his good and bad times. This is highly appreciating relationship with a perfect combination of sexual chemistry and intellectual curiosity. Gemini should always keep their sexy Capricorn with them. Capricorn can teach the difference between quantity and quality to Gemini. Capricorn may learn to have easy attitude and free going style from Gemini. They both benefit till the time, attraction and desire exist between them.

Their compatibility rating is 2 / 5

Gemini and Aquarius

There will be great sexual attraction and countless curiosity in their relationship. They both love to attend party and other social environment. The independent and outgoing nature of Aquarius may attract Gemini. Aquarius looks for both relationship and sex from Gemini. They can make a great sexual relationship together. On the other side, there is a chance for Aquarius to feel trapped. Gemini may go impatient and walk out of relationship. They should know their time of separation in order to work out their relationship. Keep aside all games.

Their compatibility rating is 4 / 5.

Gemini and Pisces

Pisces will look for adventure in Gemini. Gemini may ignore deep emotions of Pisces and may remain carefree. Gemini remains a casual person in relationship. Pisces may expect loyalty and sense in their relationship. They may get attracted sexually but ultimately end up in irritation. Gemini should trust Pisces whereas Pisces should provide freedom and versatility to Gemini. Pisces may put their effort initially but later on turn up the opposite side. It is better to avoid their relationship rather than walking broken hearted.

Their compatibility rating is 3 / 5.

Marriage Compatibility

Gemini Weds Aries

This relation is 1 – 3.

Both of them will be considered lucky for each other.

Both of them will be emotionally attached and otherwise too, although, there may be big confusion at times.

This is an enduring, truthful and outstanding relationship.

Gemini Weds Taurus

This relation is 2 – 12 or 1 – 2, meaning it can be a good match.

There will be a feeling of adjustment and cooperation from one side.

There can be some deliberation, something which cannot be ruled out.

An imperative role will be played by Taurus to continue this relation.

Gemini Weds Gemini

This relation is 1 – 1.

Both of you are ruled by mercury. This relation is not highly suggested but is a fair match.

This relation will not be an exceptional or very hopeful one.

There will be no cheerfulness or charisma in this relation.

If they can control their ego things can move in a perfect manner.

Gemini Weds Cancer

This relation is 1 – 2.

Cancer is aware on how to keep things up with Gemini.

This tie-up will be a sensible one.

However, this relation cannot be said to be a wonderful one as both of them will have room for each other and will be able to fiddle with.

Gemini Weds Leo

This relation is 1 – 3, which can be very promising.

Permanent company of the Gemini is enjoyed by gaudy and conceited Leo.

It will definitely be an honorable, reliable, balanced and elongated relationship.

Gemini Weds Virgo

This relation is a square or 1 – 4.

Both of them are ruled by mercury.

However, it will be very difficult for both of them to get along with each other.

Particularly, Gemini will not be very comfortable with sensible and perceptive Virgo.

They will find it difficult to understand each other and there will be short of delight, synchronization and calmness.

Gemini Weds Libra

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Gemini Weds Scorpio

This relation is 1 – 6.

You should be aware of certain things before getting together.

It will not be a piece of cake for Scorpio to get along with the Gemini.

Life can become despondent and both of you will miss pleasure and joy.

Gemini Weds Sagittarius

This is a conflicting or 1 – 7 relationship.

As far as physical pleasure and satisfaction is concerned, this relation can turn out to be good.

Things are not so promising on the emotional front.

This can be a temperate alliance and it will be difficult to get along together satisfactorily.

Gemini Weds Capricorn

This relation is 1 – 8.

This relation is not considered to be enduring, steady and enduring one, therefore it will not be beneficial to get in such kind of relation.

Life can become hopeless and things will go strange.

Say no to this relation without hesitation.

Gemini Weds Aquarius

This is a trine or 1 – 9 relationship.

This can be an unending and exceptional relation.

However, this relation is really good.

Both of you feel cheerful, trouble free and contended in each other’s company.

Both are ready to provide helping hand to one another and are considered to be fortunate at every step in their lives.

Gemini Weds Pisces

This is a square or 1 – 10 relationship.

There will be shortage of contentment and easiness with each other.

Smooth running life will be paused by ego, perception and paucity of communication.

However, both of you will be lucky for each other, but it is difficult for both of you to be together.


Ruling Planet



The Twins




Green, Yellow and Orange

Lucky Stones

Aquamarine, Agate

Unlucky Stones

Red Coral

Lucky Numbers

5 & 6 and all numbers adding number 9 i.e. 14, 23, 32 etc

Lucky Days

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

Business Partner


Lucky Alphabet

P, K, R, T, and G

Best Profession

Accountants, Clerks, Salesmen, School teachers, Photographers, Journalist, Research Jobs, Judges, Civil or Mech. Engineers

Best Boss


Eventful Years

5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59 (Add nine to get further eventful years.)

Body Parts

Shoulders, Arms, Right hand, Right ear etc.

Good Points

Great communication skill, Quickness, Imagination, vivacity, enthusiasm and diplomacy.

Bad Points

Impatient, indecisive, two-faced and lazy.

Soul Mates

Libra, Aquarius

Just Say No

Scorpio & Capricorn

Gemini born are very quick in making relationships, but find it very difficult to pull on

as they start finding faults with their partner very quickly. This is because they often fail to find a

friend who is really up to their expectations. They are highly romantic in nature and love to be

physical. They get upset very easily because of ultimate incompatibility. Librans and Aquarians are

their soul mates. It is quite difficult for them to adjust with persons born in the signs of Virgo,

Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

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Anirban Mohapatra

Great insights and excellent advice. Very patient and practical in her recommendations, highly recommended.

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Abhishek Goel

Very good experience. 

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Vasudha Amla
Had a good experience. Read More
Aalok Chauhan

I had an amazing experience consulting with Manisha ma'am, as an astrologer and numerologist, her knowledge is truly impressive. She took time to listen to my concerns and provided thoughtful, personalized advice that resonated deeply with me. Her remedies were practical and effective, making a noticeable difference in my life.

Manisha Ma’am’s insights were not only accurate but also delivered with warmth and compassion, making me feel comfortable and understood throughout the session. Her professional yet approachable demeanor ensured that I could openly discuss my issues, and her guidance was very valuable.

I am genuinely grateful for the positive impact her advice has had on my life and would highly recommend her services to anyone seeking clarity and direction. Thank you, Manisha Ma’am, for your excellent support and expertise. Your guidance has been a beacon of light during a challenging time.

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Deepak Sharma

I got my daughter's name set from Manisha Ma'm and I am very much satisfied. Manisha Ma'm gives me detailed information about my daughter horoscope and her future. She is very polite and kind person. I have consulted many astrologers but I have to say she's the best. Thanks Manisha ma'm for your valuable time and knowledge. 

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Poulomi Ray

The whole experience is professional . The whole discussion was thorough and was done as per the time dedicated to me .

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Pratibha Aphale

Had a great experience working with Manishaji. Her analogies and examples to explain a situation are phenomenal. I can listen for hours and the discuss inspiring and motivating . Thankyou

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Paramjeet Kaur
Utkarsh Bhatnagar

I have taken Manisha Ji's consultation multiple times and every single time I have found her reading for me more than appropriate and accurate. Her suggestions and precautions have proved to be true this far. She is very welcoming and easy to talk to. Even her staff members are very cordial.
Thanks Manisha Ji Read More

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